As so long there is memory of Slenderman or some proof of it's existence, it'll remain)ĭestructive Ability: Street Level (Can easily kill adults and children) | Varies.

His essence is the embodiment of singular probability), Regeneration (Mid-Godly, Can come back even after having been erased.
The slender man crack#
Can crack space-time itself), Soul Manipulation (Can directly attack the soul and destroy it), Pocket Reality Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Slender Man can take the form of an abstract equation), Abstract Existence (Exists as an abstract equation.
The slender man plus#
His static is merely a noise in someone's head that causes pain), Perception Manipulation (Can cause blindness and blurry visions with static), Power Bestowal (Can grant beings eternal life if desired)Īll previous abilities plus Quantum Manipulation (Can utilize Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Particles to achieve his "Slenderwalk"), Avatar Creation (Generates limitless amount of avatars or manifestations of itself across space-time), Higher Dimensional Manipulation (Uses higher dimensions to shift his axis in time-space and probability), Non-Corporeal (Exists as merely an abstract equation), Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 Slender Man can't be put down unless his true body is also killed, also will remain as long as people believe in or have proof of Slender Man's remains), Acausality (Non-Linearity Unbound standard laws of cause, effect and probability), Omnipresence (Is said to be everywhere at once until "locked" into position axis in Space-Time), Probability Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Causality Manipulation (Can create loops and decide the events that occur within them), Space-Time Manipulation (Can warp space and time freely. Slender Man can reform himself from his higher-dimensional self), Intangibility, Invulnerable, Reality Manipulation, Transmutation (can mutate other people and turn them into proxies or even fog, all via gesture), Madness Manipulation (His illusions can make beings go mad, to the extend where they kill themselves), Dream Manipulation (Able to appear in the dreams of those who sees), Pain Manipulation (Can kill people without them even feeling a thing. Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight and Levitation, Teleportation, Mind Manipulation (Proximity to the Slender Man is often said to trigger a "Slender sickness" a rapid onset of paranoia, nightmares and delusions, capable of turning people into his servants/“proxies”), Limited Technological Manipulation (Distorts any technology within its proximity), Body Control (Able to stretch its limbs and torso), Size Manipulation (Has been depicted as being capable of changing sizes), Aura (His natural presence causes those around him to feel immense fear, to the point where they refuse to fight back), Possession (Can hijack the minds of those who interests him), Invisibility, Radiation Manipulation (Specifically Sigma Radiation), Shapeshifting (Capable of disguising itself to match its surroundings), Able to alter its voice to mimic another’s, Fire Manipulation (Burned down an entire forest from simply appearing), Weather Manipulation (Can cause storms), Time Manipulation (In The Arrival, as Lauren gets closer to Kate's house, the time of day seems to rapidly go darker, eventually turning to night as the player arrives at the house), Telepathy, Memory Manipulation, Immortality (Types 1, 4 & 9 Has been seen since 9000 B.C.